Look back through your journal. What was your favorite topic so far? Why?
1. Journal
2. Essays & other ways to tell our stories
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Friday, April 28, 2017
april 28
JOURNAL TOPIC: (on a separate piece of paper)
Today is the end of our second-to-last grading period. You know what I'm going to ask: Where are you doing well? Where do you need to improve? How committed are you to doing your best work? If you were recording the grade, what would it be?
1. Journal
2. "Social media" defined
* Please read this post for your essay this weekend; give yourself no more than 5 minutes to read the question and do a pre-write, no more than 25 minutes to write, and no more than 10 minutes to proofread and post the essay to your blog. Please bring your original hard copy to class on Monday.
Today is the end of our second-to-last grading period. You know what I'm going to ask: Where are you doing well? Where do you need to improve? How committed are you to doing your best work? If you were recording the grade, what would it be?
1. Journal
2. "Social media" defined
* Please read this post for your essay this weekend; give yourself no more than 5 minutes to read the question and do a pre-write, no more than 25 minutes to write, and no more than 10 minutes to proofread and post the essay to your blog. Please bring your original hard copy to class on Monday.
we eat social media for breakfast
I originally wrote this last year for teachers at Pioneer Valley. It applies to us too. Please read and respond to the following prompt on your blog in a post entitled WE EAT SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BREAKFAST.
This weekend I did something I swore I would never do.
Write an essay in which you analyze the author's use of diction,
syntax, tone, and rhetorical strategies to develop his main argument.
___________________________This weekend I did something I swore I would never do.
Oh no, I
thought. I’ve become one of those narcissistic sharers I used to make fun
of. I’m a wannabe Millenial!
But there’s more to this than meets the eye. For starters, you need the right tool for the
(For a slightly deeper dive on this, and to see how I introduced the idea to students, click HERE.)
Selecting tools requires critical thinking: What IS the job? What do we want to accomplish by sharing
information? And what tool to use? How does a tablet compare with a composition
book? Is it best to use an online format
that supports text? Photos? Video?
Music? Interaction/ conversation? What are we trying to say, and what impact do
we want to make on the person or people to whom we say it?
I didn’t really understand the Internet until I learned
about its history and its culture from the people who BUILT it. Now I understand that it’s not a toy, or even a
tool. The Internet isn’t just the next
evolutionary step from papyrus or the printing press—it represents a belief
system about how we interact and communicate.
If that sounds like a mouthful, it’s because the popular focus has been
on developing and celebrating tools. We
have a great opportunity to be more mindful about what we’re doing with these
tools, and how we can do it better. (Please click "Read More" below to see the rest.)
Thursday, April 27, 2017
april 27
[Choose your own]
1. Journal
2. Ignite talks evaluation
3. "The Digital Divide"
Do your own research on The Digital Divide. Where do you stand? Is your use of technology helping you get ahead and achieve your goals, or is it holding you back? How private and protected is your data? How do people see you online?
[Choose your own]
1. Journal
2. Ignite talks evaluation
3. "The Digital Divide"
Do your own research on The Digital Divide. Where do you stand? Is your use of technology helping you get ahead and achieve your goals, or is it holding you back? How private and protected is your data? How do people see you online?
period 6 ignite talks
[PLEASE NOTE! The wi-fi glitched out at the end of the period and it looks like some of the presentations are missing-- if you see anything that is incorrect or incomplete, please comment with the information. Thank you! -dp]
Sarai: Why do people try so hard to fit in? Over the break I started looking into this and I need to do more research.
Maria: Why are we here (on Earth)? I'm interested in the religion but the science, and I need to do more research.
Madison: How do our voices change and go into different pitches? I learned that our voices change when we talk to people we love. This reminded me of how Daisy's voice changed in Gatsby. I have found an expert on this and I'm going to interview him.
Jorge: How can a person become an actor? One thing I learned over the break is how to find a relationship with a character-- this class has helped me connect with characters in books. I plan to continue reading monologues and practicing.
Edgar: How did soccer become a sport? Over break I watched a few games to analyze them. Next I plan to research the history of the game.
Johanna: What if people stopped acting in self-defeating ways? I watched a show where a girl hurt herself and started thinking about how she could be more successful. Connection: in this course people could succeed more if they changed their habits and stopped procrastinating.
Daniela: Why do people lie? I started by asking people why they lie. I learned that people do this to hide bad feelings or get along with others. In The Great Gatsby Tom lied to Daisy when he cheated on her. I want to encourage people to tell the truth.
Joe: What is magic? It can mean lots of things. The connection between magic and this presentation is getting me out of my comfort zone so I'm not as shy. I'll be performing at Ethel Pope in May.
Junior: Wi-Fi. We use it every single day. Over the break my phone lost data and I felt miserable. I'm going to learn how it works.
Jish: Why does religion divide us when it's supposed to unite us? Over break I researched different religions and I learned that they're supposed to be made for peace. But the Koran has 109 verses on killing non-believers, and the Bible has lots of passages about how to deal harshly with non-believers. I'm going to explore something different.
Regina: Was religion invented to control people? One thing I learned is that yes it can-- so can school, or marriage, or other social institutions. Connection: in F451 society was trying to control people. I'm just beginning my research on this topic.
Lionel: How can we have the most fun? I learned that having fun can make you happy. I went to Universal Studios as a start. Not sure where to take this next.
Polo: If man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? I want to study evolution. This topic reminded me of the story "Sound of Thunder" because small changes can lead to big effects.
Demi: How can someone enjoy seeing someone else suffer? Over break I watched a lot of "Criminal Minds" and I learned that many criminals are out for revenge, or have a problem in their brains. I want to learn more about schadenfreude.
Jasmin: Sleep paralysis. People believe in a spiritual background to this. Connection: when Dr. Preston asks the class a question and no one answers.
David: What is time? Over the break I listened to podcasts and watched documentaries, and I learned that time is not constant. It can depend on your location, or your emotion, and I want to learn more about this.
Arielle: Why do people buy Family/friends. Last line of Gatsby makes more sense if you're older than 30.
Sarai: Why do people try so hard to fit in? Over the break I started looking into this and I need to do more research.
Maria: Why are we here (on Earth)? I'm interested in the religion but the science, and I need to do more research.
Madison: How do our voices change and go into different pitches? I learned that our voices change when we talk to people we love. This reminded me of how Daisy's voice changed in Gatsby. I have found an expert on this and I'm going to interview him.
Jorge: How can a person become an actor? One thing I learned over the break is how to find a relationship with a character-- this class has helped me connect with characters in books. I plan to continue reading monologues and practicing.
Edgar: How did soccer become a sport? Over break I watched a few games to analyze them. Next I plan to research the history of the game.
Johanna: What if people stopped acting in self-defeating ways? I watched a show where a girl hurt herself and started thinking about how she could be more successful. Connection: in this course people could succeed more if they changed their habits and stopped procrastinating.
Daniela: Why do people lie? I started by asking people why they lie. I learned that people do this to hide bad feelings or get along with others. In The Great Gatsby Tom lied to Daisy when he cheated on her. I want to encourage people to tell the truth.
Joe: What is magic? It can mean lots of things. The connection between magic and this presentation is getting me out of my comfort zone so I'm not as shy. I'll be performing at Ethel Pope in May.
Junior: Wi-Fi. We use it every single day. Over the break my phone lost data and I felt miserable. I'm going to learn how it works.
Jish: Why does religion divide us when it's supposed to unite us? Over break I researched different religions and I learned that they're supposed to be made for peace. But the Koran has 109 verses on killing non-believers, and the Bible has lots of passages about how to deal harshly with non-believers. I'm going to explore something different.
Regina: Was religion invented to control people? One thing I learned is that yes it can-- so can school, or marriage, or other social institutions. Connection: in F451 society was trying to control people. I'm just beginning my research on this topic.
Lionel: How can we have the most fun? I learned that having fun can make you happy. I went to Universal Studios as a start. Not sure where to take this next.
Polo: If man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? I want to study evolution. This topic reminded me of the story "Sound of Thunder" because small changes can lead to big effects.
Demi: How can someone enjoy seeing someone else suffer? Over break I watched a lot of "Criminal Minds" and I learned that many criminals are out for revenge, or have a problem in their brains. I want to learn more about schadenfreude.
Jasmin: Sleep paralysis. People believe in a spiritual background to this. Connection: when Dr. Preston asks the class a question and no one answers.
David: What is time? Over the break I listened to podcasts and watched documentaries, and I learned that time is not constant. It can depend on your location, or your emotion, and I want to learn more about this.
Arielle: Why do people buy Family/friends. Last line of Gatsby makes more sense if you're older than 30.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
period 5 ignite talks
Andrea: Why is there still racism in 2017? I noticed even when we made foodI asked older people including my Mom. Next steps: I'm going to talk to more people and do more research.
Michael: Does life exist in other galaxies? I Googled this and discovered that people believe there is life out there. I connected this with Fahrenheit 451 and I plan to do more research.
Alex: Why are we considered adults at the age of 18? I did some research and learned that some people start making better decisions then, but I also think at that age many people still have the mind of a child. I need to do more research and think about the differences between 18, 21, and older.
Ruby: Why do some people really enjoy having their alone time? I talked to my mom about this, and I am focusing more on my own alone time.
David: My topic is about art-- I always thought art was fascinating and inspiring. I look up to Claude Monet. This is loosely connected to the course in terms of creativity. I hope to visit a museum.
Amy: What does it take to start a popular clothing line? Connection with class is just looking at people to see what they're wearing. Next step: research new trends and incorporate into design to increase popularity.
Mario: What are the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle v. being a meat-eater? Over the break I saw live buffalo-- these animals are huge, powerful, and fast, and they eat nothing but plants.
Dom: What's the difference between wanting and waiting? You want a job, a boy/girl friend -- what inspires us and motivates us to get what we want? What are we waiting for?
Andrew: How do I improve my writing skills? Over the break I focused on social media and reading online. I spent a lot of time texting people. In this course we write essays and I want to practice that next.
Beatrice: Why do people commit suicide instead of getting help? Over the break I watched "13 Reasons Why" about a girl whose friends betrayed her. It reminded me of the lady in F 451 who died for her books. In the show the girl shut down and killed herself. Next step: I'm creating a blog where people can share their feelings and express themselves.
Alexis: How can we have a healthy lifestyle? I asked Coach Wallace and he said exercise and eating right can help. I'm going to talk to my other coaches and ask how they eat and what they do.
Cynthia: Why do people get old and age? I looked online and found this happens because of DNA replication.
Avelina: Why is social media so important in people's lives? I did some research and found that FOMO (fear of missing out) matters. Next step: I'm going to try lowering the amount of time I spend on social media.
Jesus: What makes us human? What is the difference between us and Artificial Intelligence? I read articles about robots and they are not self-aware. Connection: the mechanical hound in F451 was not really dead or alive. Next I'm going to do more research.
Jesus O: Can you trust your gut? Over the break I worked in fields and it was hard. I am still picking strawberries because I am trusting my gut. Is this right? I also found a beautiful beach because I trusted my gut. Connection: "Immigrants in Our Own Land."
Ricky: Why is weather so bi-polar? Blazing heat and then it freezes my toes off. Over break the weather in Cancun was extreme. I am going to do more research.
Noelia: Why do people judge each other? My aunt thinks it's because of racism and jealousy. This reminds me of "On Self-Reliance" because of what happens when you do things others don't understand.
Tanya: I am interested in cosmetology. Over the break I took a class and learned you have to have passion and patience. Next I'm going to practice more and take more classes.
Yamile: Will there ever be a cure for cancer? Over the break I volunteered in a surgery center. Next I'm going to watch shows about animals because scientists are making a lot of progress. Curing cancer is like Open Source Learning, you can give others opportunities to
Alvaro: What is the difference between someone who goes pro and someone who plays for love? I went on a site called Twitch where there are both types of gamers. Pros told me it's all about practice and learning, and having the passion to practice and spend a lot of time. Next step is to find new ways to learn from my mistakes.
Carlos: I want to cut hair. Over break I watched my barber and I learned the longer you have a client the better he likes his haircut. Reminded me of Gatsby. I'm going to get clippers and watch a YouTube video.
Elizabeth: How are engines built? Over break I learned about the components and how to change the oil. I want to build an engine.
Adamari: I want to know why trained animals are still caged and tied up. I did research over break and learned that there is still a small chance they can attack. This reminded me of F451 because the animals are trained to be the same and not think for themselves.
Sofia: What does it mean to identify as indigenous? Over the break I went to Raza College Day and another conference about indigenous culture and expression. Some students at our school speak Misteco. I connected this with F451 in that they were trying to get Montag to forget who he was and fit in. Now I'm going to do interviews and more research.
Frank: Why is America the biggest gangster out there? After doing research I don't believe we're always the good guys. We are only in Syria for the oil. I plan to look more deeply into this.
Elyssa: Are words more powerful than weapons? They hurt people emotionally where weapons just hurt people physically. Next steps are to help people watch what they say.
Edmundo: Why are we judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character? I started this topic before I knew the quote from Martin Luther King, and I want to do more research on this.
Uri: Why is business so risky? I visited my brother in San Jose and he's going to start a Mexican restaurant. I want to learn about the mistakes people make when they start businesses.
Carlos: My topic is math and physics. Over the break I did more math problems and I read about physics. Connection: F451 was all about advancements in science. Next I will review concepts and practice more.
Devin (NO SHOW)
Victoria: Why do people follow new trends? People want to fit in and feel secure. This is similar to F451 because everyone wants to belong.
Angel: What would happen to a person inside a black hole? I started doing research and I learned that we don't really know, but the forces inside a black hole are so intense that you wouldn't survive.
Jose: What do you need to become a civil engineer? I spoke to an engineer and he told me that you just need creativity and math. Connection: it's like this class because you have the freedom to design your own thing. Next step: research four-year program.
Michael: Does life exist in other galaxies? I Googled this and discovered that people believe there is life out there. I connected this with Fahrenheit 451 and I plan to do more research.
Alex: Why are we considered adults at the age of 18? I did some research and learned that some people start making better decisions then, but I also think at that age many people still have the mind of a child. I need to do more research and think about the differences between 18, 21, and older.
Ruby: Why do some people really enjoy having their alone time? I talked to my mom about this, and I am focusing more on my own alone time.
David: My topic is about art-- I always thought art was fascinating and inspiring. I look up to Claude Monet. This is loosely connected to the course in terms of creativity. I hope to visit a museum.
Amy: What does it take to start a popular clothing line? Connection with class is just looking at people to see what they're wearing. Next step: research new trends and incorporate into design to increase popularity.
Mario: What are the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle v. being a meat-eater? Over the break I saw live buffalo-- these animals are huge, powerful, and fast, and they eat nothing but plants.
Dom: What's the difference between wanting and waiting? You want a job, a boy/girl friend -- what inspires us and motivates us to get what we want? What are we waiting for?
Andrew: How do I improve my writing skills? Over the break I focused on social media and reading online. I spent a lot of time texting people. In this course we write essays and I want to practice that next.
Beatrice: Why do people commit suicide instead of getting help? Over the break I watched "13 Reasons Why" about a girl whose friends betrayed her. It reminded me of the lady in F 451 who died for her books. In the show the girl shut down and killed herself. Next step: I'm creating a blog where people can share their feelings and express themselves.
Alexis: How can we have a healthy lifestyle? I asked Coach Wallace and he said exercise and eating right can help. I'm going to talk to my other coaches and ask how they eat and what they do.
Cynthia: Why do people get old and age? I looked online and found this happens because of DNA replication.
Avelina: Why is social media so important in people's lives? I did some research and found that FOMO (fear of missing out) matters. Next step: I'm going to try lowering the amount of time I spend on social media.
Jesus: What makes us human? What is the difference between us and Artificial Intelligence? I read articles about robots and they are not self-aware. Connection: the mechanical hound in F451 was not really dead or alive. Next I'm going to do more research.
Jesus O: Can you trust your gut? Over the break I worked in fields and it was hard. I am still picking strawberries because I am trusting my gut. Is this right? I also found a beautiful beach because I trusted my gut. Connection: "Immigrants in Our Own Land."
Ricky: Why is weather so bi-polar? Blazing heat and then it freezes my toes off. Over break the weather in Cancun was extreme. I am going to do more research.
Noelia: Why do people judge each other? My aunt thinks it's because of racism and jealousy. This reminds me of "On Self-Reliance" because of what happens when you do things others don't understand.
Tanya: I am interested in cosmetology. Over the break I took a class and learned you have to have passion and patience. Next I'm going to practice more and take more classes.
Yamile: Will there ever be a cure for cancer? Over the break I volunteered in a surgery center. Next I'm going to watch shows about animals because scientists are making a lot of progress. Curing cancer is like Open Source Learning, you can give others opportunities to
Alvaro: What is the difference between someone who goes pro and someone who plays for love? I went on a site called Twitch where there are both types of gamers. Pros told me it's all about practice and learning, and having the passion to practice and spend a lot of time. Next step is to find new ways to learn from my mistakes.
Carlos: I want to cut hair. Over break I watched my barber and I learned the longer you have a client the better he likes his haircut. Reminded me of Gatsby. I'm going to get clippers and watch a YouTube video.
Elizabeth: How are engines built? Over break I learned about the components and how to change the oil. I want to build an engine.
Adamari: I want to know why trained animals are still caged and tied up. I did research over break and learned that there is still a small chance they can attack. This reminded me of F451 because the animals are trained to be the same and not think for themselves.
Sofia: What does it mean to identify as indigenous? Over the break I went to Raza College Day and another conference about indigenous culture and expression. Some students at our school speak Misteco. I connected this with F451 in that they were trying to get Montag to forget who he was and fit in. Now I'm going to do interviews and more research.
Frank: Why is America the biggest gangster out there? After doing research I don't believe we're always the good guys. We are only in Syria for the oil. I plan to look more deeply into this.
Elyssa: Are words more powerful than weapons? They hurt people emotionally where weapons just hurt people physically. Next steps are to help people watch what they say.
Edmundo: Why are we judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character? I started this topic before I knew the quote from Martin Luther King, and I want to do more research on this.
Uri: Why is business so risky? I visited my brother in San Jose and he's going to start a Mexican restaurant. I want to learn about the mistakes people make when they start businesses.
Carlos: My topic is math and physics. Over the break I did more math problems and I read about physics. Connection: F451 was all about advancements in science. Next I will review concepts and practice more.
Devin (NO SHOW)
Victoria: Why do people follow new trends? People want to fit in and feel secure. This is similar to F451 because everyone wants to belong.
Angel: What would happen to a person inside a black hole? I started doing research and I learned that we don't really know, but the forces inside a black hole are so intense that you wouldn't survive.
Jose: What do you need to become a civil engineer? I spoke to an engineer and he told me that you just need creativity and math. Connection: it's like this class because you have the freedom to design your own thing. Next step: research four-year program.
what you don't know will most definitely hurt you
Everything you do on a computer generates data. That data is so valuable to governments and corporations that companies like Google and Facebook let you use their services for free-- so they can collect your data and sell it.
So what happens to the data you create on school-issued machines and software? It might interest you to know that "ed tech" has become its own industry, worth an estimated $8B per year.
So what happens to the data you create on school-issued machines and software? It might interest you to know that "ed tech" has become its own industry, worth an estimated $8B per year.
period 4
Cesar: Why does it seem like there is a limit to how good you can be at something? I interviewed my track coaches and I learned that our bodies and minds trick us into believing our limitations. Connection: in F 451. Next step: I'm going to interview a professional runner I met on Instagram.
Eric: What does it take to be a photographer and create meaning through pictures? I've learned to use sunlight and compose pictures to tell a story. Connection: in F451 the lady getting burned with her books means different things to different people. Next steps: get more information and learn more about photography.
Trevor: Why does the week start on Sunday and end on Saturday? Over break I did some research but didn't get any answers. One thing I learned was that being around baseball so much made me lose track of time. I just want to know how we started this 7-day tradition.
Jose: Why do people criticize each other for what they do and say? This was a big part of Fahrenheit 451 and we see it in society.
Leo: The use of nuclear weapons. They are used mostly for threats and destruction. I learned that the US spends $173B and our most powerful bomb is 75x more powerful than the bombs we dropped on Japan. This relates to F 451, and also to current events like with North Korea. I need more information about this
Alicia: Why do people judge without knowing you? I did some research and talked it over with my friends. Connection: Earth on Turtle's Back because the other animals didn't think he could do it.
Cynthia: Why don't I know what career I want to pursue? Over break I researched to see what careers were well-paid. Of the careers I studied, I realized I wanted to be a nurse because they help people. Now I need to do more research about becoming a nurse.
Sokrates: I am exploring how to properly build a business. Over break I asked my uncle about this because he owns three successful restaurants. He said that I should start with family, because he worked for his uncle until he saved enough to buy into the business as a part-owner and grow from there. I am going to ask more of my uncles because they also own their own businesses
Miguel: Why do we work for everything? This connects with the course because we have to work for grades. I want to keep researching this topic.
Angelina: Is there an afternlife? I researched claims from people who said they died and came back. Connection: Young Goodman Brown. Next I will continue my research.
Roxanna: Is time real or is it an illusion? I think it is an illusion. My next step is to research Dr. Preston's book on time.
Isaac: What am I going to be in the future? I love music and I visited my cousin. Music connects everyone. Next steps: I'm going to keep researching music
Aiden:Why don't people believe in life beyond Earth? In F 451 books are rejected. I have more research to do to see whether we can gather enough information for people to believe in life elsewhere.
Giselle: Why are people on their phones the whole time? Even little kids like my niece are on social media the whole time. Connection: we spend a lot of time on our phones in this class.
Jackie: Why do we get so much homework when we spend seven hours in school every day? I took a proper Spring Break and was more able to come back and focus. I want to learn more about this.
Ana: Why does time go by so fast when you're having a good time and why does it go so slow when you want the day to be over? One thing I learned over break is that if you help someone out you can do amazing things in time. One thing I can do is spend my time more wisely.
Daniel: How would a person's life be without a phone or any technology? I tried to go a whole day without games or videos and I couldn't. Connection: F 451 robot dog. Next step is to ask others what they would do.
Blake: My topic is how psychedelic drugs (like LSD and mushrooms) affect the human brain. I learned that these substances are meant to alter perception. Connection: this class causes me to think differently. Writing in a journal and having Socratic seminars make me use different parts of my brain-- I guess this class is like a psychedelic drug. Next step is to talk with people who have researched or experienced these substances.
Patti: Are dreams related or connected to past lives?
Claudia: Is change good? Over the break I asked my cousin and she said that it can be, if you're changing for yourself-- but that you shouldn't change for someone else. Gatsby was wrong to change for Daisy.
Robert: Why are there so many different religions and cultures and ways of life? Over break I talked to older people who are very religious. They didn't really give me reasons, they just believe what they believe. Next I want to talk to church leaders to see what they say. Connection: Montag began to believe in a different way of being and then he wanted to convince others.
Araceli: I want to prepare for my career. Connection: speaking in class. I want to start interviewing people.
Michelle: Why do people judge in our society? Connection: Gatsby couldn't be with Daisy because her parents wanted her to be with a rich guy. Next step is to talk about this with friends.
Kaylee: How was Earth created? I learned through research that Earth began about 4.5B years ago, and this relates to Earth on Turtle's Back. Next I will interview an expert.
Eric: I want to learn more about war. Seems like we've been at war for a long time and we're not solving any problems. I learned that I wasn't really taking in what I learned until I gave my phone back to my mom, and now I look up and see what's around me. Seems like war depends on someone thinking they're better than someone else. Next I'm going to talk to my cousin.
E.J.: Why do police abuse their power and authority? Over the break I watched a movie that was based on a true story and afterward I did some research. My cousin is a police officer and next I'm going to interview him about this.
Eric: What does it take to be a photographer and create meaning through pictures? I've learned to use sunlight and compose pictures to tell a story. Connection: in F451 the lady getting burned with her books means different things to different people. Next steps: get more information and learn more about photography.
Trevor: Why does the week start on Sunday and end on Saturday? Over break I did some research but didn't get any answers. One thing I learned was that being around baseball so much made me lose track of time. I just want to know how we started this 7-day tradition.
Jose: Why do people criticize each other for what they do and say? This was a big part of Fahrenheit 451 and we see it in society.
Leo: The use of nuclear weapons. They are used mostly for threats and destruction. I learned that the US spends $173B and our most powerful bomb is 75x more powerful than the bombs we dropped on Japan. This relates to F 451, and also to current events like with North Korea. I need more information about this
Alicia: Why do people judge without knowing you? I did some research and talked it over with my friends. Connection: Earth on Turtle's Back because the other animals didn't think he could do it.
Cynthia: Why don't I know what career I want to pursue? Over break I researched to see what careers were well-paid. Of the careers I studied, I realized I wanted to be a nurse because they help people. Now I need to do more research about becoming a nurse.
Sokrates: I am exploring how to properly build a business. Over break I asked my uncle about this because he owns three successful restaurants. He said that I should start with family, because he worked for his uncle until he saved enough to buy into the business as a part-owner and grow from there. I am going to ask more of my uncles because they also own their own businesses
Miguel: Why do we work for everything? This connects with the course because we have to work for grades. I want to keep researching this topic.
Angelina: Is there an afternlife? I researched claims from people who said they died and came back. Connection: Young Goodman Brown. Next I will continue my research.
Roxanna: Is time real or is it an illusion? I think it is an illusion. My next step is to research Dr. Preston's book on time.
Isaac: What am I going to be in the future? I love music and I visited my cousin. Music connects everyone. Next steps: I'm going to keep researching music
Aiden:Why don't people believe in life beyond Earth? In F 451 books are rejected. I have more research to do to see whether we can gather enough information for people to believe in life elsewhere.
Giselle: Why are people on their phones the whole time? Even little kids like my niece are on social media the whole time. Connection: we spend a lot of time on our phones in this class.
Jackie: Why do we get so much homework when we spend seven hours in school every day? I took a proper Spring Break and was more able to come back and focus. I want to learn more about this.
Ana: Why does time go by so fast when you're having a good time and why does it go so slow when you want the day to be over? One thing I learned over break is that if you help someone out you can do amazing things in time. One thing I can do is spend my time more wisely.
Daniel: How would a person's life be without a phone or any technology? I tried to go a whole day without games or videos and I couldn't. Connection: F 451 robot dog. Next step is to ask others what they would do.
Blake: My topic is how psychedelic drugs (like LSD and mushrooms) affect the human brain. I learned that these substances are meant to alter perception. Connection: this class causes me to think differently. Writing in a journal and having Socratic seminars make me use different parts of my brain-- I guess this class is like a psychedelic drug. Next step is to talk with people who have researched or experienced these substances.
Patti: Are dreams related or connected to past lives?
Claudia: Is change good? Over the break I asked my cousin and she said that it can be, if you're changing for yourself-- but that you shouldn't change for someone else. Gatsby was wrong to change for Daisy.
Robert: Why are there so many different religions and cultures and ways of life? Over break I talked to older people who are very religious. They didn't really give me reasons, they just believe what they believe. Next I want to talk to church leaders to see what they say. Connection: Montag began to believe in a different way of being and then he wanted to convince others.
Araceli: I want to prepare for my career. Connection: speaking in class. I want to start interviewing people.
Michelle: Why do people judge in our society? Connection: Gatsby couldn't be with Daisy because her parents wanted her to be with a rich guy. Next step is to talk about this with friends.
Kaylee: How was Earth created? I learned through research that Earth began about 4.5B years ago, and this relates to Earth on Turtle's Back. Next I will interview an expert.
Eric: I want to learn more about war. Seems like we've been at war for a long time and we're not solving any problems. I learned that I wasn't really taking in what I learned until I gave my phone back to my mom, and now I look up and see what's around me. Seems like war depends on someone thinking they're better than someone else. Next I'm going to talk to my cousin.
E.J.: Why do police abuse their power and authority? Over the break I watched a movie that was based on a true story and afterward I did some research. My cousin is a police officer and next I'm going to interview him about this.
period 3 ignite talks
Elizabeth: Are children smarter because they're on the Internet?
Karen: Why are women represented in negative ways? Images on the Internet portray female bodies in unrealistic ways -- pretty and skinny, and this makes real people develop unreal expectations. I looked at a lot of videos and the women all look the same.
Adrian: action speaks louder than words; football comeback;
Elias: how to turn nothing into something; over the break I tried to go beyond my limitations, and I learned it takes heart, drive, and motivation. You shouldn't stop doing something you love.
Klieff: global warming is a serious threat; I'm doing research on the Internet, and I learned that it's getting serious. The sea level is rising, by as much as seven inches by the end of the century.
Ofelia: Topic is why people can't control their anger. Some people get into conflict This is connected to Fahrenheit 451 because the book is fill
Nicol: My topic is racism because I have lived with it all my life. I see a connection with the course because in Fahrenheit 451 they talk about books and knowledge.
Jocelyn: Why can't we have free tuition for college? I looked up resources and found arguments for this online. It gives us knowledge and helps people.
Jason: How to become a barber. Over the break I got a haircut. I started learning about getting a license to cut hair. Connection: everyone in here needs a haircut.
Marcos: How to become a tattoo artist. The first step is drawing, so I drew a lot over break. Then I'll ink pig skin.
Giovanni: What makes people creative? You have to live in a creative state and open your heart and mind. Everyone is creative in their own way, like in the books we read in this class.
Isaias: How can we provide food without being cruel to animals? I researched PETA and other resources, and my next step is to change my own eating habits and become a vegetarian.
Chris: How to become a barber. Over Spring Break I researched the program I'll need to get my license. But I also realized I needed to familiarize myself with the tools and cut some hair to see if I like it enough to commit.
Jose: Why can't everyone get along? Why are some people racists or narrow-minded? Over the break I did some research and looked at current events. Connection: in The Great Gatsby Tom was a racist.
Angel: What does it take to become a police officer? Over the break I talked to my uncle because he's a former police officer. He said to study criminal justice and get a degree. From my online research I learned that you also need to overcome your own challenges, like we're getting over being nervous so we can present today.
Jaime: My masterpiece is about joining the military. I researched some websites about what it takes to join, and my next step is to identify any obstacles I need to overcome in this process.
Etzell: My big question is, Will I ever succeed? Since I was a little girl I've had a passion for singing.
Satchel: How can we upgrade education? How can we make the school system more like this cool? I researched Montessori and combined it with Open Source Learning. This is going to take a long time and my next step is to research the standards and qualifications that are required to adopt this learning system in schools.
Carlos: Why do people get into school so much? Why do they care or do community service?
Karen:(NO SHOW)
Maria: Is time real? In reality, are we in the right time or do we just believe what others tell us? Why do we always have to hurry-- just because others tell us to? Connection: people always rush to get things done.
Elizabeth: (NO SHOW)
Victor: What religion is the true religion of God? Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all make claims. Next steps: I plan to read the texts of Christianity and Islam.
Katie: Different learning types. I learned a little about this in my Intro to Education class, and I worked with my Dad to put this in practice. People learn visually, auditorily, and kinesthetically.
Vivian: Animal behavior. I did some research online and I also tested training ideas on my pig. Experimenting taught me a lot. Animals respond to facial expressions. My next step is to interview a professional animal behaviorist.
Alin: How to become a professional performer of Ballet Folklorico. Connection: they get paid for every dance they do, just like we get grades for everything we do.
Emily: I've been thinking about how we learn with Open Source Learning, and I'd like to introduce this program in Mexico. I think they would make more use of this than we do here. We can volunteer at schools.
Robert: What is the best route to become a police officer? Over break I talked to my cousin and my next step is
Luis: Finding vintage clothing online or thrift stores. Over the break I learned that it's easier to find deals and selection in big cities. Eventually I plan to open an online store to resell clothes.
Alex: Create my own clothing brand.
Richard: Why does music have such a big impact on people? Keep listening to music. Connection: in Fahrenheit 451 some of the things in the book are actually happening in our culture.
Elvis: Why don't school counselors help students with their real problems? Counselors just put you into classes. Next steps: talk to therapists and see what we can do
Jay: How to become a mechanical engineer. I learned that you have to have a 4-year degree. Over the break I talked to racers. I want to learn more about the best college in California where I can study this.
Brayan: Profiling teachers... (to be continued)
Karen: Why are women represented in negative ways? Images on the Internet portray female bodies in unrealistic ways -- pretty and skinny, and this makes real people develop unreal expectations. I looked at a lot of videos and the women all look the same.
Adrian: action speaks louder than words; football comeback;
Elias: how to turn nothing into something; over the break I tried to go beyond my limitations, and I learned it takes heart, drive, and motivation. You shouldn't stop doing something you love.
Klieff: global warming is a serious threat; I'm doing research on the Internet, and I learned that it's getting serious. The sea level is rising, by as much as seven inches by the end of the century.
Ofelia: Topic is why people can't control their anger. Some people get into conflict This is connected to Fahrenheit 451 because the book is fill
Nicol: My topic is racism because I have lived with it all my life. I see a connection with the course because in Fahrenheit 451 they talk about books and knowledge.
Jocelyn: Why can't we have free tuition for college? I looked up resources and found arguments for this online. It gives us knowledge and helps people.
Jason: How to become a barber. Over the break I got a haircut. I started learning about getting a license to cut hair. Connection: everyone in here needs a haircut.
Marcos: How to become a tattoo artist. The first step is drawing, so I drew a lot over break. Then I'll ink pig skin.
Giovanni: What makes people creative? You have to live in a creative state and open your heart and mind. Everyone is creative in their own way, like in the books we read in this class.
Isaias: How can we provide food without being cruel to animals? I researched PETA and other resources, and my next step is to change my own eating habits and become a vegetarian.
Chris: How to become a barber. Over Spring Break I researched the program I'll need to get my license. But I also realized I needed to familiarize myself with the tools and cut some hair to see if I like it enough to commit.
Jose: Why can't everyone get along? Why are some people racists or narrow-minded? Over the break I did some research and looked at current events. Connection: in The Great Gatsby Tom was a racist.
Angel: What does it take to become a police officer? Over the break I talked to my uncle because he's a former police officer. He said to study criminal justice and get a degree. From my online research I learned that you also need to overcome your own challenges, like we're getting over being nervous so we can present today.
Jaime: My masterpiece is about joining the military. I researched some websites about what it takes to join, and my next step is to identify any obstacles I need to overcome in this process.
Etzell: My big question is, Will I ever succeed? Since I was a little girl I've had a passion for singing.
Satchel: How can we upgrade education? How can we make the school system more like this cool? I researched Montessori and combined it with Open Source Learning. This is going to take a long time and my next step is to research the standards and qualifications that are required to adopt this learning system in schools.
Carlos: Why do people get into school so much? Why do they care or do community service?
Karen:(NO SHOW)
Maria: Is time real? In reality, are we in the right time or do we just believe what others tell us? Why do we always have to hurry-- just because others tell us to? Connection: people always rush to get things done.
Elizabeth: (NO SHOW)
Victor: What religion is the true religion of God? Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all make claims. Next steps: I plan to read the texts of Christianity and Islam.
Katie: Different learning types. I learned a little about this in my Intro to Education class, and I worked with my Dad to put this in practice. People learn visually, auditorily, and kinesthetically.
Vivian: Animal behavior. I did some research online and I also tested training ideas on my pig. Experimenting taught me a lot. Animals respond to facial expressions. My next step is to interview a professional animal behaviorist.
Alin: How to become a professional performer of Ballet Folklorico. Connection: they get paid for every dance they do, just like we get grades for everything we do.
Emily: I've been thinking about how we learn with Open Source Learning, and I'd like to introduce this program in Mexico. I think they would make more use of this than we do here. We can volunteer at schools.
Robert: What is the best route to become a police officer? Over break I talked to my cousin and my next step is
Luis: Finding vintage clothing online or thrift stores. Over the break I learned that it's easier to find deals and selection in big cities. Eventually I plan to open an online store to resell clothes.
Alex: Create my own clothing brand.
Richard: Why does music have such a big impact on people? Keep listening to music. Connection: in Fahrenheit 451 some of the things in the book are actually happening in our culture.
Elvis: Why don't school counselors help students with their real problems? Counselors just put you into classes. Next steps: talk to therapists and see what we can do
Jay: How to become a mechanical engineer. I learned that you have to have a 4-year degree. Over the break I talked to racers. I want to learn more about the best college in California where I can study this.
Brayan: Profiling teachers... (to be continued)
april 26
1. Ignite Talks
2. Journal
JOURNAL: (at end of period)
What did you learn today? Describe at least three observations about speakers' topics, processes, or styles. Include at least one example of ethos, pathos, and logos.
1. Ignite Talks
2. Journal
JOURNAL: (at end of period)
What did you learn today? Describe at least three observations about speakers' topics, processes, or styles. Include at least one example of ethos, pathos, and logos.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
ignite talks wednesday
Traditional speakers at professional conferences talk for an extended
period of time, either as a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, or
A few years ago a new trend emerged in the world of sharing ideas. TED and other conferences made shorter talks popular. These were kind of like the intellectual version of "speed dating." At one conference where I presented, there was a series of "ignite talks"-- these were designed to be high-energy, exciting introductions to ideas that would get the audience thinking and hungry for more. They were also required to be no longer than five minutes.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 26) every single member of our learning community will give an ignite talk. There will be no passes, no "I forgot"s, no exceptions.
How will we manage this?
Our ignite talks will be no more than one minute long.
Here is what each ignite talk will include:
Looking forward to learning from you!
A few years ago a new trend emerged in the world of sharing ideas. TED and other conferences made shorter talks popular. These were kind of like the intellectual version of "speed dating." At one conference where I presented, there was a series of "ignite talks"-- these were designed to be high-energy, exciting introductions to ideas that would get the audience thinking and hungry for more. They were also required to be no longer than five minutes.
Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 26) every single member of our learning community will give an ignite talk. There will be no passes, no "I forgot"s, no exceptions.
How will we manage this?
Our ignite talks will be no more than one minute long.
Here is what each ignite talk will include:
- Your big question/ masterpiece topic (1-2 sentences)
- One thing you did over the break to explore your question/topic (1 sentence)
- One thing you learned by exploring over the break (1 sentence)
- One connection you see between this course or something we read and your question/topic (1 sentence)
- What you're doing next (1 sentence)
Looking forward to learning from you!
Monday, April 24, 2017
april 25
Describe the most idiotic thing you ever thought.
Today we will reconnect, see where we are, assess what we need, and agree on some next steps.
Describe the most idiotic thing you ever thought.
Today we will reconnect, see where we are, assess what we need, and agree on some next steps.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
april 24
In nature, Spring is a time of birth and renewal. Flowers bloom, baby animals get born, and outside you can practically hear "The Circle of Life" from the soundtrack of The Lion King. (*Which I'd be playing alongside this topic if I were in class today.)
We humans have created rituals in our cultures and religions to celebrate Spring. Apart from formal celebrations like Passover and Easter, and the Pagan rituals that preceded them both, many families practice Spring cleaning.
So my question is this: now that we are solidly in Spring, what can you do to start over, or clean out part of your life, or change for the better?
1. Journal
2. Peer review
In nature, Spring is a time of birth and renewal. Flowers bloom, baby animals get born, and outside you can practically hear "The Circle of Life" from the soundtrack of The Lion King. (*Which I'd be playing alongside this topic if I were in class today.)
We humans have created rituals in our cultures and religions to celebrate Spring. Apart from formal celebrations like Passover and Easter, and the Pagan rituals that preceded them both, many families practice Spring cleaning.
So my question is this: now that we are solidly in Spring, what can you do to start over, or clean out part of your life, or change for the better?
1. Journal
2. Peer review
- Please read at least five (5) of your colleagues' work over the break
- Please comment to their work with at least one (1) compliment and one (1) constructive criticism
- In a post on your blog, describe what impressed you most-- what did someone else do well enough to inspire you and/or give you an idea for your own work?
time flies and all that
I hope everyone had a great Spring Break!
By now you should have completed your six posts. No excuses.
By now you should have completed your six posts. No excuses.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
spring break posts
Here is what you need to post by April 24:
1. Your Masterpiece Academy Topic (idea or skill)
2. Your five resources
3. Your 10 Academy members (followers-- including a description of the person who knows more than you do)
4. THREE posts about what you did (explored, read, attempted, attended, etc.), what you learned from the experience, and how it helped you better understand your topic
1. Your Masterpiece Academy Topic (idea or skill)
2. Your five resources
3. Your 10 Academy members (followers-- including a description of the person who knows more than you do)
4. THREE posts about what you did (explored, read, attempted, attended, etc.), what you learned from the experience, and how it helped you better understand your topic
april 12
What are your intentions for Spring Break? How will you balance work, play, social, family, and [?]
1. Journal (quick: <5 mins)
2. Masterpiece Academy and the Rule of 3
3. Beach reading season is nearly upon us: Literary Analysis anyone?
What are your intentions for Spring Break? How will you balance work, play, social, family, and [?]
1. Journal (quick: <5 mins)
2. Masterpiece Academy and the Rule of 3
3. Beach reading season is nearly upon us: Literary Analysis anyone?
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
april 11
Six hundred years after he stopped writing, we are still quoting Shakespeare-- often without knowing it. Is there an author, poet, lyricist or rapper writing today who will be remembered as having such an impact? Who? Why?
1. Journal
2. I'm out unexpectedly today so:
Six hundred years after he stopped writing, we are still quoting Shakespeare-- often without knowing it. Is there an author, poet, lyricist or rapper writing today who will be remembered as having such an impact? Who? Why?
1. Journal
2. I'm out unexpectedly today so:
- If you were in class yesterday, please share your notes with someone who wasn't;
- Please post your topic, your five resources, and your ten community members on your blog (title: MASTERPIECE PART I) -- if you still need to find resources or community members, please use the time during the period
- Please install the "followers" widget on your blog
Monday, April 10, 2017
april 10
It's time to wave the magic wand. Complete this thought: "If I could do anything I wanted over Spring Break, I would..." Describe in detail.
1. Journal
2. Discussion/study
It's time to wave the magic wand. Complete this thought: "If I could do anything I wanted over Spring Break, I would..." Describe in detail.
1. Journal
2. Discussion/study
Friday, April 7, 2017
wanted: good humans
You're the captain of the team, you have a 4.6 G.P.A., and you started a nonprofit that cured cancer. But are you a GOOD PERSON?
pre-essay socratic seminar
ESSAY (due on your blogs by 11:59 PM PDT Sunday, April 9):
OPTION 1: Describe the difference in Ray Bradbury's tone with regard to Clarisse & Beatty. Support your analysis with examples of Bradbury's diction and detail.
OPTION 2: Analyze Bradbury's language, especially his figures of speech and his syntax, to convey how Montag's inner world differed from the world around him.
OPTION 3: Analyze the language and rhetorical devices that Dr. Preston uses to convey his point of view about reading. (Essay HERE)
- Montag as dynamic character
- Montag as role model
- Themes of the book
- Writing techniques/ literary elements
- Symbolism
- Author tones & reader moods
- What Bradbury's predictions say about our society and us
- Individual and group psychology of the characters
- Preston's scribblings
- How we write
- What we should write about
ESSAY (due on your blogs by 11:59 PM PDT Sunday, April 9):
OPTION 1: Describe the difference in Ray Bradbury's tone with regard to Clarisse & Beatty. Support your analysis with examples of Bradbury's diction and detail.
OPTION 2: Analyze Bradbury's language, especially his figures of speech and his syntax, to convey how Montag's inner world differed from the world around him.
OPTION 3: Analyze the language and rhetorical devices that Dr. Preston uses to convey his point of view about reading. (Essay HERE)
- Bradbury's predictions are pretty accurate
- We eat garbage, it's not too different from Mildred overdosing
- Those @$#%$^ earbuds that everyone has
- Mildred watching TV all the time is just like everyone on their phones
- It used to be that people read books and talked to each other; now everyone is addicted to electronics
- False news stories, like the chase where they set up some innocent bystander -- there have been a lot of false stories, like Santa Maria PD lying about arrests
- You feel like you're there, like when he describes the jets flying over
- At the beginning of the book, Montag wants to burn books. At the end he wants to save them.
- Technology isn't making us smarter
- We believe things that aren't true
- We do what our phones tell us to do
- We spend too much time staring at screens
- Yeah but...
- We can read anything online including books that used to be in print
- What do you guys think about the ending? An attack on American soil? All of Bradbury's other predictions came true...
- Why was Mildred such a $#^! ?
- The author showed that Montag was a good person because he still cared for her even though she mistreated him
- Maybe she started off good but gave into a world where screens and earbuds were the best entertainment, and eventually became the only way she felt comfortable relating to people
- It seems like some of us have better relationships with our phones than we do with each other
- The news of the Syria bombing reminded me of the book and how it must have felt for the planes to be flying over
- When Faber was explaining the qualities of books it reminded me how important the media is
- Montag as dynamic character; at the beginning he didn't question anything, and by the end he questioned everything. When he was being chased, he threw off the hound at the river, and it was like he washed off who he used to be and started a new life
- Everyone is on their phones in here, quiet, and it made me wonder what if Granger and Montag and the others succeeded, and phones are our new books
april 7
JOURNAL TOPIC: ["In One Ear" by Cage the Elephant/ except for period 6 part of "Echoes" by Pink Floyd]
Listen to the lyrics:
They think they know my thoughts/ But they don't know the least/
If they listened to the words they'd find the message tucked beneath
One thing authors, songwriters, and (now that I'm thinking about it) just about everyone hates is having their words twisted into something they didn't intend. Describe a time you thought you communicated clearly and someone else didn't agree.
1. Journal
2. Socratic seminar
Listen to the lyrics:
They think they know my thoughts/ But they don't know the least/
If they listened to the words they'd find the message tucked beneath
One thing authors, songwriters, and (now that I'm thinking about it) just about everyone hates is having their words twisted into something they didn't intend. Describe a time you thought you communicated clearly and someone else didn't agree.
1. Journal
2. Socratic seminar
Thursday, April 6, 2017
april 6
JOURNAL TOPIC: ["Eat It" by Weird Al Yankovic; "Savoy Truffle" by The Beatles]
Describe your favorite meal in mouth-watering detail. By the time I finish reading this journal entry I should be hungry and jealous.
1. Journal
2. Residual F451 Q & A/ status
3. Deconstructing my essay
*Tonight it would be a good idea to make sure you are up to date. Tomorrow (Friday) we will have a Socratic seminar in which you will be expected to participate. Over the weekend we will have an essay, and then it will be time for the Masterpiece Academy. The students will become the masters.
Describe your favorite meal in mouth-watering detail. By the time I finish reading this journal entry I should be hungry and jealous.
1. Journal
2. Residual F451 Q & A/ status
3. Deconstructing my essay
*Tonight it would be a good idea to make sure you are up to date. Tomorrow (Friday) we will have a Socratic seminar in which you will be expected to participate. Over the weekend we will have an essay, and then it will be time for the Masterpiece Academy. The students will become the masters.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
best high school spirit day display ever
Today is 90s day. I have no idea why. The only "fashion statements" I've seen are plaid flannel shirts, and it's not like Kurt Cobain invented those. So, meh. But then Satchel walks into class, says, "Happy 90s Day!" and hands me this:
april 5
Sometimes, when athletes at the Olympics complete their event or earn a medal, they cry. Athletes are stereotypically tough humans, and crying is stereotypically not a tough thing to do, so how do you explain this?
1. Journal
2. F 451 Wrap Up
QUESTIONS ON pp. 148-158
1. Why did the men laugh when one told Montag not to judge a book by its cover?
2. Why does Montag still care about Mildred? What does the author want us to know about this character?
3. How do the hands of Granger's grandfather and Mildred symbolize these characters?
4. How does Granger's remembrance of his grandfather parallel Faber's telling Montag that it wasn't the books that were important, but what was in the books?
5. Why (on p.151) is three seconds "all of the time in history"?
6. What is the significance of the Phoenix?
7. After the bombing, the men get up, prepare breakfast, put out the fire, and rise to move on. Montag realizes they are following him, and he steps aside to let Granger lead, but Granger just looks at him and nods him on. What is the significance of this scene? How has Montag grown since the beginning of the book?
Sometimes, when athletes at the Olympics complete their event or earn a medal, they cry. Athletes are stereotypically tough humans, and crying is stereotypically not a tough thing to do, so how do you explain this?
1. Journal
2. F 451 Wrap Up
QUESTIONS ON pp. 148-158
1. Why did the men laugh when one told Montag not to judge a book by its cover?
2. Why does Montag still care about Mildred? What does the author want us to know about this character?
3. How do the hands of Granger's grandfather and Mildred symbolize these characters?
4. How does Granger's remembrance of his grandfather parallel Faber's telling Montag that it wasn't the books that were important, but what was in the books?
5. Why (on p.151) is three seconds "all of the time in history"?
6. What is the significance of the Phoenix?
7. After the bombing, the men get up, prepare breakfast, put out the fire, and rise to move on. Montag realizes they are following him, and he steps aside to let Granger lead, but Granger just looks at him and nods him on. What is the significance of this scene? How has Montag grown since the beginning of the book?
Monday, April 3, 2017
april 4
Describe a time you finished a book. How did the experience make you feel? Proud to have completed it? Sad to say goodbye to the characters? Surprised/irritated at the plot resolution? Please explain.
1. Journal
2. Finishing F451
3. (depending on time) preparing for the essay
Describe a time you finished a book. How did the experience make you feel? Proud to have completed it? Sad to say goodbye to the characters? Surprised/irritated at the plot resolution? Please explain.
1. Journal
2. Finishing F451
3. (depending on time) preparing for the essay
explain the ending of fahrenheit 451
In a thoughtful comment to this post, please explain the ending of the book. Mahalo.
april 3
Why are you tested so much/often? What are adults trying to figure out? Why can't they do it another way?
I have no idea who's going to be smarter, more balanced, or in class today as a result of testing, so we'll pick up where we need to when I see you. Those of us who are here will finish the novel and set the agenda for tomorrow.
Why are you tested so much/often? What are adults trying to figure out? Why can't they do it another way?
I have no idea who's going to be smarter, more balanced, or in class today as a result of testing, so we'll pick up where we need to when I see you. Those of us who are here will finish the novel and set the agenda for tomorrow.

Sunday, April 2, 2017
fahrenheit 451 essay on medium
I published another, slightly better (IMHO) version of the Fahrenheit 451 essay I wrote.
You can read it HERE.
You can read it HERE.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
the curious case of sidd finch
This story ran in Sports Illustrated on April 1, 1985, when I was fifteen years old. As far as I am concerned it is the greatest April 1 story ever.
happy april 1
Thinking that April Fool's Day 2017 is a remembrance of a time when we weren't fooled every day. Ask questions and express doubt about what you see and what you read today-- and then do that every day from now on.
my thoughts on fahrenheit 451
Thanks in advance for reading and for commenting to this post. Later this weekend I will also publish this on Medium, and I'll share the link when it's available there. In the meantime, here are some suggestions for getting the greatest benefit out of the experience, which continues well after the break:
1. Follow the footnotes
2. Click the links
3. Enjoy getting confused or experiencing questions-- and then ask the author
4. Find something you dis/agree with
5. When you see an argument, ask yourself what makes it in/effective
6. Most importantly, find something about reading this to ENJOY
As you scroll down, you will get to what I hope are insights on Fahrenheit 451. First you will suffer through my thinking about this topic in general.
We should read the same books more than once, over time. As we change, the way we understand what we read changes. This is important.
The first time I read Hamlet I was in Jerry DeBono's1 AP English Literature class at Cleveland High School in Los Angeles. We read the play in class. Actually, that's a lie. I didn't read the play in class. I was thinking about other things while my unlucky friends who got chosen for the speaking parts tried unsuccessfully to salvage a shred of cool while mumbling and stumbling through their lines. The night before the test I read just enough of the play to write an essay. I understood what my teacher was asking, and I delivered an adequate-enough answer, but I didn't really understand the play-- not just because Shakespeare's iambic pentameter wasn't my native language, or because "To be or not to be" is such a hackneyed cliché, but because I didn't have enough experience to
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