Monday, October 3, 2016

october 2

*I'm out today.  Please complete the journal and the vocabulary.  If you get it done in class, no homework.  If you get it done in class early, please read your literature analysis book.  Please bring your IDs tomorrow.  Mahalo. DP


Do we still want what we want by the time we get it?  Kids want to be older, adults want to be kids.  We want more independence, we want someone to take care of us.  Do you know what you want?  Does it feel good to get what you want?  Have we just gotten really good at wanting?  Give this your best thinking, to be continued in discussion tomorrow...

1. Journal
2. Vocabulary definitions and sentences

If necessary please finish and post your vocabulary


  1. Oct 3 dr preston or was it on purpose to mistake monday as the 2nd?

  2. Oct 3 dr preston or was it on purpose to mistake monday as the 2nd?
