Tuesday, March 14, 2017

march 15

*First thing's first.  What is "the Ides of March" and which famous character in literature is supposed to beware them?  Post the correct answer in a comment to this post and win!

JOURNAL TOPIC: [if you weren't in class yesterday, it's yesterday's'; otherwise...]

Describe a favorite saying of an adult in your life when you were a child.  What did this person say?  What did it mean?  What did it matter to you, if anything?

1. Journal
2. F451 Q & A
3. Reading

13. What is the purpose of Beatty's visit?
14. Reread Captain Beatty’s monologue (pp.57-59). Discuss his view that school cultivates anti-intellectual sentiment (p.58). In your opinion does it accurately depict your high school? Do books violate the idea that ”everyone is made equal” (p.58)?
15. Why does Montag feel “fat”?

1 comment:

  1. In Shakespeare's Julius Cesar, It is Julius Cesar(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ides_of_March)

    Thank you google.
