Tuesday, March 7, 2017

march 9


Why do we have fire departments?  Seriously: why not pay private companies to put out fires, or just save our tax dollars and do the job ourselves?

1. Journal/ discussion
2. Revisit "The Pedestrian"
3. "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way"
4. Meet Guy Montag

*** With your table colleagues or on your own, please comment to this post with your thoughts on: a) the imagery Bradbury uses, especially the metaphors; b) what is different about Clarisse and what she symbolizes; and c) anything else that jumps out at you so far. Mahalo.


  1. Trust me, don't do it yourself, I've tried that. Put the thing out sure, but turns out the counter was still smoldering. I'm ore scared of being chewed out by the Fire Chief again than Donald Trump.

  2. Clarisse is different than Montag because she likes to think before she speaks, and literally stops to smell the pink blurs-er-roses. She's also very inquisitive, curious about what life was like years ago, and to Montag, is asking too many questions.

  3. 3. so far, the book has been very life-like, descriptive me and alin think this is an interesting book.
    2. Clarisse is different because she doesn't think before she speaks and others ponder before they say.
    1. they walked in the warm cool blowing night on the silvered pavement and there was the faintest breath of fresh apricots and strawberries in the air and he looked around and realized this was quite impossible.

  4. Ricky, Jose, david
    1.The blood pounded in his head as personification
    2.I feel like Clarisse is the logical one in this book.
    3.the 451 being used as a helmet

  5. i think its crazy that Clarisse said her dad was driving 40 miles and hour and got jailed for 2 days. this book within the first 6 pages has captured my attention i cant wait to continue reading this book

  6. A) he uses a lot of imagery by showing how he is walking down the street or how how Clarisse describes what the drivers see when they drive down the street.
    B) Clarisse is symboling rebellion kind of like she is questioning why they do things and if things were better in the past
    C) I thought it was weird when she asked him about the burning books thing and that he said it was illegal

  7. Clarisse is a different type of character. She doesn't just blurt out things. She thinks before she says anything. I think that everything she says has a meaning and she will be a very important character in the story.

  8. C.
    What stood out was that the firemen would start the fire instead of putting it out
    "Guy" seems dull and brainwashed and the girl seems super curious and wants to find out what's happening/ what happened
    I found it interesting that if you go slow on the highway you go to jail, and I our world you do get in trouble but you only get a ticket
    Sofia adamari Amy Carlos elayssa

  9. The author starts out by telling use who they character are but not directly and Clarissa is not like other characters in a story she is different in a way. Clarissa is going to be a very important character in the story.

  10. Well, the author starts the book by telling the audience who are the characters from the story. I think that Clarissa is not exactly the same like the rest of the people from the story.I think she is going to be the main person from the book.

  11. Clarissa is different from Montag because she asks questions so she can figure out more, while Montag just does what hes told and doesn't ask any questions. The thing that has popped out at me is how much I can relate to Clarissa. I am one to question everything. Also, How much we can all relate to Montag in school terms. We all are trained not to ask many questions and have more answers.

  12. A) the imagery he uses is like very dark and like a messed up future And how somethings wrong with society. B) Clarisse represents us being curious asking all kinds of questions andwanting to know the truth. She's not corrupted like the other characters in this society. C) what's jumped out at me is the concept of the story I find it interesting.

  13. The imagery that bradbury uses gives the story like a dark tone.
    Clarisse is different than Montag because she kind of has a feeling of how things used to be. But Montag is so quick to deny it.

  14. The imagery Bradbury uses gives the story a type of bad future and how he shows the blurs of colors, clarrise is the sane person in the story, a part that stands out is what firefighters do in the future. - Andrew, Alex, Cynthia, edmundo, Angel, Frank

  15. Clarisse is the voice of reason in the book. When she said she is not afraid of Montag. The imagery in the book is a dark, and mysteroius tone. When Montag and Clarisse are talking Clarisse says that aren't firemen suppose to take out fires, instead of making them. Gives the story a kind of mysterious vibe. The thing that jumped out me was when Montag was smiling while burning books. Makes me very curious what he was smiling about.
