Tuesday, September 20, 2016

september 20

JOURNAL TOPIC: ["Walking in L.A." by Missing Persons; "Walk on the Wild Side" by Lou Reed; "Walk On" by U2]

Taking a walk.  It seems like such a simple, normal, everyday (dare I say banal?) thing to do.  But in stories it can take on all the meaning of our inner feelings and perceptions.  A walk can be a head-clearing, healthy thing; it can also be an act of rebellion.  The way we walk, the time of day we walk, the contexts we walk in and out of, they all become important when we're trying to get a message across.  Think about your walking life.  Describe a walk you took that was important to you.  If you can't think of one, then describe your walk to this class in as much detail as you can remember.  If you can't remember detail, first ask yourself why the &*!! not (it was only two minutes ago!) and then reinvent your walk as a fictional vignette.

1. Journal
2. Resume: the header
3. Vocab: definitions/Q&A (Socratic)
4. Big Questions (Socratic) / Fields & Mentors
5. Time Investment Portfolio (Socratic)
6. Intro: "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury

1. Notes [TBD]
2. Begin resume doc in word processor with header and sections
3. 10 min. min. on vocab
4. Describe an ideal mentor (or two) for your Big Question in a post (title: MY YODA)

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