Thursday, September 22, 2016

today's assembly

Some students feel the need to attend today's assembly on Bullying.  Some students feel their time is better spent on resumes and all of the other things we have going in this course. 

About the last thing I want to do is influence (bully? :) people into a decision.

So, in third period Augustin, Luis, Isaias, Karen, and a handful of others opted to attend the assembly.  They promised to blog about it and share the value with the rest of us, so feel free to visit their blogs and comment. 

The rest of us focused on our goals as previously scheduled.  Hope everyone gets the most out of the day!

1 comment:

  1. I saw them up in the Balcony. The Junior Rally was the most rowdy with people screwing around and trying to charge their phones, even after I told them that none of them were working. Running followspot is a challenging yet rewarding job, as you get to harass the freshmen with the spotlight.
