Monday, August 29, 2016

are you one of the lucky 6?

If you're on the blog right now, comment to this post in the next ten minutes (by 9:00 PM PDT) with something insightful about how the symbolism in "Young Goodman Brown" adds to the meaning of the story-- and get an AUTOMATIC A on this week's vocabulary quiz.


  1. Something insightful about the symbols is the forest is the devils home and the ribbion represent innocense and faith

  2. I know it's not the next 10 minutes, but may I try throwing my hat into the ring? We're given some suspicion the Old Man isn't what he seems with the way the author describes the setting of the scene and the way he's dressed. Who wouldn't be suspicious of someone carrying a staff resembling a serpent in a Dark forest. And when the Lady calls him your worship, If the author hadn't described the man the way he did, we wouldn't perceive him as an Antagonist.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay Dr. Preston even though it is not 9:00 pm, I'm still going to answer the question. The symbolism for Young Goodman Brown is that the forest is evil. If the author didn't describe the old man when he was walking with a staff that looked like a snake we wouldn't notice that he was an antagonist and we would think he was a protagonist.
