Tuesday, August 23, 2016

august 23

The first couple weeks of this course were a mad dash.  Since I'm off campus this week, it's a good time to slow down a little and cross some things off our lists.  Please take a moment to reflect on those things you started but haven't finished, and those things you haven't started yet, and make a list of what you need to accomplish this week in order to get caught up.  Feel free to comment to this post with your list.  Your exit ticket today, which you are required to hand to the substitute before you leave, is your list with a status report on each item.  In other words, once you figured out what you needed to do, did you use the 50 minutes to do it?

What do you need to do in order to catch up and/or get ahead?  What will you do first and why?  What's better to do in class with your colleagues, and what do you feel better about doing at home?

Here are the possibilities we talked about; if you can think of something else please add it in the comments):

  • Add design elements to your blog
  • Catch up on assignments/posts (Welcome post, "Richard Cory" recital, "Right to Your Opinion" response, etc. etc.)
  • Complete/add to your journal topics
  • Define & study vocab
  • Video reading assessment 
  • Read "Young Goodman Brown" & "Conscience of a Hacker" and respond on your blog
  • Read your Literature Analysis book
  • Begin answering Literature Analysis Questions #1


  1. I need to read conscience of a hacker and young Goodman brown.

  2. what is the "right to your opinion" response and what was the vocab. Pkus where do i read those two stories? and what is a literature analysis book @dr preston
